Orthodox Parishes Unite to Support Pregnant Women for the 2nd Annual National Orthodox Baby Shower
RIVERSIDE, CA, MAY 2022 - Orthodox Christians for Life sponsored the 2nd Annual National Orthodox Baby Shower during March and April this year. 30+ parishes around the country and across jurisdictions participated in the event, which was scheduled to take place over the weeks surrounding the Feast of the Annunciation on March 25.
The event served as an opportunity for Orthodox parishes to partner with nonprofit Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC's), which provide free medical care, material resources, and ongoing support to abortion-vulnerable women in crisis and unplanned pregnancies.
Participating churches registered to receive an event guidebook, then held a drive to collect baby supplies for the PRC's in their local communities, to be given to women who choose life.
In total, the parishes donated:
- Over 17,100 diapers
- 337 packages of wipes
- Over 500 baby outfits/clothing items
- 230 pairs of baby socks and shoes
- 130 baby blankets
- Over 100 toys and books
- 138 bottles of baby lotion, shampoo, etc.
- Approximately 600 other items including formula, pacifiers, diaper bags, pack 'n plays, maternity outfits, bottles, bibs, bath accessories, car seats, etc.
- Over $5,000 in monetary gifts
Many parishes also hosted baby shower-themed events to raise awareness of the pro-life cause or invited someone from the PRC to speak to parishioners about their work.
"The National Orthodox Baby Shower equips the Orthodox community to provide tangible assistance to women in need," said Emily Wilkinson, executive director. "This event is just one of the ways that Orthodox Christians for Life strives to engage Orthodox churches and individuals in pro-life ministry. We are hopeful that it also inspired many parishes to begin meaningful, long-term partnerships with these life-saving organizations."
To learn more about how OCLife is building an Orthodox pro-life movement, see www.oclife.org.